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Bless Up...Here's Some Spiritual Tips to Keep You Grounded🔑

I know I'm not the most inspirational person in the world and I am definitely not a spiritual guru. However, I do know sometimes we all want a spiritual boost and want a little peace when it comes to the many struggles of life. 😪Shit can definitely get real. Here's a few tips to keeping your inner peace in the time of a storm:

  1. Pray, Pray, Pray- 🙏🏽Morning, Noon, Night...Talk to God and get everything off your chest, no matter how embarrassed, horrible, or weird it may be. It's best to just get it out.
  2. Read Your Bible- 📖I'm not going to lie, I don't read my bible everyday. However, I do try, even if its just one scripture. Sometimes that one scripture is all you need to get through the day. Also, write in your bible. It can help can you refer and break down scriptures and keep up with what you're reading. I can honestly say I need a new bible. Unfortunately, I write and highlight in my bible so much you would think I need to be a mental home.🙄
  3. Go to Church- ⛪️I know, I know, I know....the morning service is really early and can be hard to attend if you're not a morning person like myself....but still...going to church can make your day or week a lot better. You can walk in feeling like crap and leave feeling as if a weight has been lifted. Maybe it's the nice people or maybe it's the message in the sermon that's being said, either way it truly helps.
  4. Find inspirational Reads- 📚This can literally be anything that makes you feel good after reading it. So, get up, go to the bookstore and find something worth reading. In addition, you could also search google and get tons of inspirational articles, and think pieces for free.
  5. Create a Prayer Journal-📓🖊 Don't like tip #1? Fine. Write your prayers out, in a journal. Date the journal and write a letter to God. You could also add scriptures to what you're writing about, just to ease the process of writing your intimate secrets out. I like  to ask questions when I'm writing in prayer journal and then I end up finding scriptures that somehow become the answer to what I'm worried about.
  6. Grateful Jar- 🏺I'm not sure if I've mentioned my grateful jar on this blog or not but I definitely have one. I got the idea from The FriendZone Podcast. The idea is to write out what you're thankful every night or every morning, date it, and put it into the jar. You should do this until the jar is completely full or just whenever you feel like opening it. I don't open mine until New Years Eve, just to see what the highlights of my year were.
  7. Self care-💆🏽 Ok, so here's a broad tip. Self care can literally mean anything that makes your mind at ease. Whether it's lighting candles after a long bath or turning your lights off and listening to some soul music, like I said it can be anything that helps you relax.
  8. Meditate-🙇🏽‍♀️ Speaking of relaxation. Let's talk about meditation. Meditating can unlock a whole new world for you. The trick is to get in touch with yourself, where you are, in that very moment. For me, 15-30 min always make me feel better, especially after a long day of work.
  9. Inspirational Videos-🎥 Lol, this is really all I ever do, I tend to always look up different things on YouTube or Tumblr. It's safe to say I am a "youtube junkie." Anyway, inspirational videos are all over YouTube. I mostly listen to TD Jakes, anything with Oprah, or anything that covers what I'm dealing with mentally or emotionally i.e. depression, anxiety, insecurity.
  10. Daily Affirmations- 📱Create affirmations daily, if you don't have that type of time create weekly or monthly affirmations. It truly doesn't matter just as long as you're speaking great things into your life when you have the time. You can write these affirmations anywhere. In a tablet, on your phone, or in your car. I usually write mine in my journal and it's usually about 5-10 at a time. Other people would probably write their affirmations on a sticky note so they would be able to place it anywhere in their home where they can access it, as we've all seen on Being Mary Jane lol.
So there you have it. These are just some things you can do to feel more grounded when your world seems like it's coming apart bit by bit. I know it's not much and it can't resolve every issue you're dealing with but it is something that could keep you going.

Bless Up Queens 👸💕


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