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Putting Broken Pieces Back Together🤞🏽

 You ever looked in the mirror at yourself and just think "Wow I really went through some fucked up shit" or "Did that really happen?" "Why did that happen?" or more so, "Why did that happen to me?" Going through some traumatic shit will really fuck you up like that. Like to the point that you’re looking in the mirror and you see how badly life has bruised you up. You got scars, war wounds, and bruises that just hasn’t healed yet. It’s probably because you’re experiencing pain after pain and loss after loss. You probably had a rough childhood where your parents were never there. Your mom and dad probably wanted you gone You could’ve been raped, molested, or touched by someone, or even a family member. You could’ve been bullied throughout your whole life and never found out or developed skills to fit in. You’re probably like me. You’re fed up and tired. And hell who wouldn’t t be? Going through shit will fuck you up to a point where you’ll end up going through more shit. Next thing you know you’re back looking at yourself in the mirror feeling like you have the world on the shoulders. That might be fine and dandy for the time being but at some point YOU HAVE TO STOP. YOU HAVE TO GET UP and remember that you were not t always like this. At some point in your life you had to have a happy moment. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be reading this blog. You did something right that has brought you this far and you should want to keep moving. You’re a walking testimony. Everything that has happened to you does not define you and now is the time to come to terms with that. HEAL. Well, first of all, you gotta HEAL. You have to want to heal. You have to get up and move forward.  It’s crazy how we can motivate and support others and never ourselves. Ironically, some of us think we’re "unfixable." That’s right just plain ol damaged goods, a shattered glass or even a broken clock but....... you’re not. You’re powerful and you don’t even know it. So in order to put you back together again, I created a list of things you could do to find yourself again.

  • Recognize Your Worth-The first you need to do before you do anything else is recognize who tf you are. Realize that you\"re the author of your story and that nothing changes unless you want it to.🍀
  • Feel you feelings-It\"s never ok to avoid your feelings. In fact, its best if you just go ahead and acknowledge them. Write them out in a journal or talk to yourself in the mirror. It makes this process so much easier. You have to determine how you\"re feeling, so you determine how to process that feeling. 🧠
  • Make A Game Plan- How do you see yourself in 5 months? 5 years? 10 years? Write it out. Write out a description of your best self  like how you\"re feeling, what you\"re looking like, and how you\"re doing. ✍🏽
  • Get in the Game- Nothing works without a great mindset, you have to get inside of your head to get out your feelings. Do the work. The things you wrote down for game plan is not going to magically appear without a little push. Make some goals bitch!💪🏽
  • Lets Go!- Get up, get out, and get something. Motivate yourself. Push yourself. Read your affirmations in the morning and listen to motivating videos at night. Do what you need to do to stay focused.🗣
  • Don\"t be so hard on yourself- It\"s very easy for us to get discouraged after a failure or after something bad has happened to us. In fact, its normal. However, you shouldn\"t stay discouraged for too long. Get back up and start again. This time, you\"ll be starting from a different angle because you found out one way didn\"t work. Playas, fuck up sis but real ones keep it moving.🤷🏽‍♀️
  • Celebrate Your Wins- Baby steps are still steps no matter how small they may be. Celebrate them. A win is a win.🥳
These are just a few tips to get yourself out of that hole you were in. Something to help you see your worth as one of the most beautiful creatures that God has created.😍 You shouldn\"t be down on yourself. In fact when you look in the mirror you should see the baddest bitch that has graced the planet since the beginning of time. If you\"re a guy, you should feel like Gucci Mane in 2006 lol. Remember, broken crayons still color and diamonds aren\"t made without pressure. I hope this helps and if you\"re needing tips on how to get out of depression, I do have a blog post on that as well.

Bless up!🙏🏽


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