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How Speaking Things Into Existence Really Works...

Speak Good Things And Good Things Will Come, Speak Bad things and Bad Things Will Happen...🀷🏾‍♀️

"The tongue has the power of life and death"-Proverbs 18:21
Ok, so I'm just gonna get straight to the point. If you think negative, then things will become negative.🀦🏽‍♂️A lot of times we don't notice how much our thought process can hinder our success. For instance, have you ever studied for a test, for days, and still failed? It's probably because you didn't believe in yourself. Most of the time, we let our self doubt fuck up everything we have planned. Coming up, my mom would always ask me how I felt about taking a test, finishing  any project, or when I finished anything major and had to be graded on it. If I felt like I did good, of course, I would've said "Great." However, if I felt I completely fucked shit up I would've said "ok." Don't get me wrong, preparing does help. However, I can fully say that if you don't just have a tad bit of faith in yourself then there's a chance you might fail. 😩You have to understand that if you actually tell yourself you can do it, YOU CAN DO IT. So many times we can end up talking ourselves right out of things because of some type of fear or doubt we may have within ourselves. I think we find it easier to say that we can't do things then to actually say we can and that's lazy.  By saying aloud "I can and I will", your goal becomes a challlenge you wish to overcome. I think you trigger a whole new type of belief system in yourself. All you have to do is literally tell yourself what you want to hear. Whether you're in school, interning, taking a test or you wanna move up at your job, your first step is believing in yourself and telling yourself that you can. You could quote a positive affirmation every morning to yourself, repeat it throughout the day to yourself, meditate on it, pray about it, and/or write it down. Give yourself a mini pep talk. Be your own cheerleader. My point is if you can just say it and get it through your brain that you've got this, there's no limit to what you can do. Speaking things you want to happen will not only attract them to you but it will give you the courage to attract more things along the way,  My favorite motto is "Speak it into existence," claim it, and watch how much your life will change.🀞


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