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Some Tips For Your Summer Mental Glo Up πŸŒžπŸ”‘πŸ€“πŸ™‡πŸ½‍♀️

Some things you can do if your summer gets pretty stressful (which it shouldn't be girl, because lets be honest  ITS SUMMER DUH)🌞

  1. P.R.A.Y. - First things first, prayer will definitely help you. Getting your mind right with God can bring such a greater peace than you would be able to bring your self. However, if you don't pray, you can also meditate. Meditation, just keeps you in touch with yourself and your surroundings. You can sit in a quiet place and just focus on breathing, the room, outside or whatever. Just try it for like 5-30 min and see. πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™‡πŸ½‍♀️
  2.  Read- Secondly, reading is pretty self explanatory. Personally, I love to read and will probably suggest some good books in a later post. If you want a true mental Glo up you should definitely read. Not only will it make time fly by, but you could learn something and become smarter. (I actually learned that from article, HA!) Read anything, the Bible, Fiction, Non-Fiction, History, Slutty Books, Articles etc. Just read, period. πŸ“š πŸ€“
  3. Listen- Your third tip is to just fucking listen. I mean this in a broad way. Listen to music, your friends, your family, podcasts, the news, hell even more books, just listen. Take some time out of your day and scroll through one of your favorite artist's album collection, mixtapes or videos. If you want new music search Soundcloud, Spotify, iTunes or even DatPiff. My fave is actually the Tumblr's Listenr App. Furthermore, Listen to the people around you. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Everyone around you is fighting or struggling with a battle you know nothing about, the key is to listen. Part of being a good friend, daughter, sister, and mom is being able to listen to their problems and helping them. Your friends or family could be asking for help (indirectly) and you would have no idea because you aren't paying attention to them. Also, Listen to a podcast, they are F R E E., RELAXING, INFORMATIVE, and FUNNY. Did I mention FREE? Some suggestions I have would be The Read ( My favorite), The Friend Zone, The Brilliant Idiots, and Insecuritea. Listen to the news, whether it's on the radio or on TV, you should be listening just be up to date and informed. Just saying girl, you don't wanna miss shit while Trump is in office, but then again maybe you do because we are all just fed the fuck up. Anyway, you get the point, just listen. πŸ‘‚πŸŽ§πŸŽΌ
  4. Travel- Would you believe my first time going to New Orleans was this year? I know right, how late am I? It was probably the most fascinating trip I've ever taken. Anyway, my point in telling you that little piece of information is because you would be surprised at all the cool events you're missing out on just by staying in the house. I truly believe everyone has places they would love to visit and why not visit at least one this summer. You technically have until September 22 to get your shit together. Save and Go for it! ✈️🏝
  5. Log off- Ok, so here's a tough one for some. Put your phone down. It's simple, turn your phone off and/or log out of all your social media. I am personally a fan of the DND button, it's literally my favorite thing about my phoneπŸ˜‚. You don't have to be so be invested in your FB feed or IG timeline. It's basically the same shit everyday...hoes...likes...comments and pictures. Just go MIA on social media for a day or turn your phone off and do some different shit like get to know yourself πŸ€”. πŸ‘Ž πŸ“±
BONUS: Mind Your Damn Business. There's no better feeling than being worried about yourself. There'll be less drama and more positive vibes. I promise😌✌🏽


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