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The First Thing You Should Know....


Here we are. You're in your twenties and your basically stuck right? All your friends are married and either engaged? You don't have your dream job yet and you can't quite find your calling. You probably feel like you're behind because everyone you graduated high school with, seems to have their life together. Maybe, you're depressed because of a recent life change, the thought of failure, or maybe thinking that the future holds nothing for you. Do you cry yourself to sleep at night thinking that maybe God has forgotten about you? Do you REALLY feel the person you're with is just tagging you along for fun? Well, what if I told you that your obviously not alone. All the emotions that your feeling, I can honestly say that there is somebody out there in this big ass world who can relate. Furthermore, there is someone out there who has it so much worse. On another note, if you like to look at shit how I do, this could all be apart of a "GREATER PLAN." I'm a firm believer that God doesn't take you through anything, he can't bring you out of. You read that right, God does have a purpose for you. Don't get me wrong, I am not the most religious person in world. In fact, I curse like a sailor, drink like a fish, and lie in certain situations. I'm just a fucked up basic ass human being. However, I do have faith in God and I do read my bible and have more than enough sense to know that troubles don't last always. I just want you to know that you are not alone, and that we are going to get through this life TOGETHER. Ready, lets go.....


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