You know, it's amazing how we work our whole lives just to earn a paycheck to pay bills. Have you ever just really paid attention to the life you're at the moment? It's crazy. We work our whole lives for nothing. We slave away at a desk all day and have nothing to show for it except a bad back, extra pounds, and a low tolerance for patience. IS THIS THE AMERICAN DREAM??? Not being able to live life on your own terms? I hate it here lol. It's definitely more to life than that. Well, guess what love? We don't have to deal with any of it. Now granted, we do need a job to buy nice pretty shit that keeps feeling and looking exquisite. However, if we just have to work, why not do it how we want? Why not live life how it should be lived, UNAPOLOGETICALLY! With No Regrets! If it's time to change something, why not just go ahead and change it? I bet you're like, "Nah Bih, I can't just decide to get up and change my life." My response is WHY THE FUCK NOT...
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